Monday, November 03, 2008

Halloween 2008

We went home to hang out with family and friends for Halloween this year.  It was so fun.  Kelly and I drove up Thursday, and I dropped her off at her SIL, Jason took the train up Friday night.  Oliver was a peapod (the cutest peapod EVER!), Jason and I dressed up as mandarins, so our theme was fruits and veggies.  For those of you who don't know, Jason's dad has a mandarin farm so his sisters would wear these costumes when they sold mandarins, in case you were wondering, "where the heck do you get a mandarin costume?"  Friday night we went to our friends Chris and Megans.  Jason wasn't in yet so my sister Chrissy wore his costume.  It was lots of fun to see friends and catch up. Saturday Jason and his Mom hung out (at local bike shops, Jan is a good sport) while I went and saw High School Musical 3 with Letty, ummmm...we LOVED it!  I swear I am a 17 year old stuck in a 25 year old body, in 17 days it will be a 26 year old body. That night we headed to Austin and Ashleys for another Halloween party, where we had fun doing karaoke (I don't know how much everyone else enjoyed listening to us).  We got to spend lots of time with my parents and Jason's, it was great.  Ollie got tons and tons of attention.  He is such a good little baby, I love him so much.  He just goes with the flow and makes being his parents so fun!
Ok, Ollie rolled over the other day!  It took him like five minutes to get out of this position and it hasn't happened since so I kind of think it was a fluke.  I almost cried because 1. my baby is getting big and 2.  I am really scared for him to become mobile, then my job gets a lot harder :)
Alyssa holding Ollie in the dressing room at Target, she is such a good cousin
Our little peapod, sometimes he looks at people so intently
Me and my sisters
The dressed up people at Megan and Chris's
Me with my cousin Mary (who looked very creepy) and Chrissy
Fruits and Veggies
Me and Sarah Palin
Austin and Ashley were Princess Buttercup and Wesley, very cute!
Ollie chillin
Letty and I LOVE Zac Efron, he is such a stud muffin, and don't worry Jason knows about my crush on a younger man


nathan said...

it looks like so much fun. great costumes...and yeah! Ollie is the cutest peapod ever! Im jealous of the beach and hanging out with kelly! I miss you guys and our provo life a lot at time. It was so fun there! oh and I LOVE your family picture.

Lori said...

Cute pics! I love your healthy halloween theme :)

Ginny Lubin Butler said...

Haha! You guys look awesome!

The Evers said...

The cutest little pea pod I have ever seen! Ahh I miss him so much! You are also the cutest little mandarin I have ever seen, well next to Jason :) I am glad you had fun, and Megan's party looks like a lot of fun too! I wish we could have gone! I wish we were closer, I hate missing you guys! Oh and Elle has been blessing you every night in her prayers. Jeff and I think it is really funny! Love you!

bren said...

Cute little peapod outfit! I always thought those were really cute costumes. Creative theme too! I also loved Ashley's and Austin's and also Megan's costumes. Fun halloween for you guys!

~Ashley Dawn Photography~ said...

THANK YOU FOR THE PICTURE!!! Austin and I didn't take one... Grr... Oh well.

Ollie is such a cute pea in a pod!!! ha ha that is so cute!! :)

Jessica Martiele said...

Ollie is ADORABLE, Sarah Palin rocked, I want to do Buttercup and Wesley next Halloween now, and I totally have a crush on a younger man, too, but mine is Dan Radcliffe of Harry Potter fame. Woo-wee! :) Happy belated Halloween!

Megan said...

Im so glad you guys came for the party. It was awesome spending time with you. I loved your costumes...hilar. And of course Ollie was such a cute little love! I think everyone was jealous of our amazing voices ;) I have some pictures of us singing that Ill post soon. I really need to catch up!

Anonymous said...

I think your orange costumes are so funny, and i love olivers, he is getting so big.

oh and I am also in love with zac

Tammy said...

First, Ollie is so freakin' cute in his peapod costume! I can't wait to see him at Thanksgiving (hopefully I do see ya). Second, I TOTALLY loved HSM 3. I went to see it with Jill and my mom. I am a 16 year old stuck in a 27 year old's body I swear. I really love that kind of stuff for some reason. Anyway...cute pics!!

Lance and Caetie said...

dude, Ginny you looked HOT in your costume!

darcie said...

cuuute. we failed this year. we just couldn't pull anything together that would go with a shell. next year...