Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I think this might be the longest I have gone without blogging.  Honestly, I just haven't felt like doing it.  There has been a lot going on so I am doing one big jumbalya of a post and calling it good, then I can move on.  We love our new house, we love our neighborhood, we love Auburn, and we love being so close to family.  On the day we moved I drove our car up with Max, Jason and Ollie drove the moving truck.  All along the 2 1/2 drive from Campbell to Auburn, I was super emotional.  I just felt really sad to leave the bay area.  We LOVED it there.  Then I got about 20 mins from our new house and I saw the Subway I worked at when I was home from college, I saw the community college I took classes from in high school, I saw a sign for the Griffith Rock Quarry where Jason took me on a picnic when we were first dating and I got really excited.  We were coming home.  We feel very blessed.  Anyway, here are some pictures from the last few weeks.

My very first friend in Campbell.  Carlie came to visit me when we had just moved to the area and I was hugely pregnant and just waiting (not so patiently) for Ollie to come.  She wasn't going to be able to make it to our farewell party and I happened to be in her neighborhood so I stopped by for a visit.
Evie was one of Ollie's best friends too since Carlie watched him since he was a baby. 
The boys "helping" me pack.  I realize I use air quotes around the word helping a lot around here.

Moving Day.  Jason backed the truck right up to the front door.

He then proceeded to boss everyone around :)  He is so authoritative.
When I pulled up to the house lots of my family members where there waiting to help us.  It was so nice of everyone to help us out, and it went really quickly.

My cousin Stephanie and Matt came and helped
Chrissy and her friend Jamie.  My cute Grandpa (in the back) even came to help.
I felt pretty useless.  I just bossed everyone around.
Max and Owen, I think they are going to have a lot of fun together.
Jan brought food for everyone which was SO nice and delicious.  Max was pretty happy about it.

Ashley and Alicia enjoying the smorgasbord.
 Ok, the move is over and now onto our life lately.

While unloading the kitchen I found Max playing with the pans, he is SO busy these days.

Ollie getting ready for trick or treating.  I realized that day that I didn't have a cute halloween bag for him to use, so Jason's bike to work bag it was. I have remedied the situation for next year.

Batman and Robin.  We left pretty early because we wanted to meet some of our new neighbors in the daytime.  Also we had been warned that we get 250-300 kids trick or treating and we wanted to get back to hand out candy.
  At this point in my kids life I feel like trick or treating is something we do just to get some cute pictures.  I really don't want my kids getting a lifetime supply of candy, so we kept it pretty short and only visited 10-15 houses (we did get two whole candy bars, those were always the best houses to find as a kid).

Our neighborhood gets pretty into halloween, it was fun to see all the decorations.  

The boys with Ollie's loot.  Ollie dumped a thing of nerds on the ground and Max was in heaven. 
Ollie enjoyed spending the rest of the evening handing out candy, it was really cute.

Ollie channeling his Superman even while sleeping.

I think Ollie is pretty close to being done with naps.  He doesn't take one unless we are driving around, or in this case he fell asleep while watching a movie.

Max is finally walking (starting at about 13 1/2 months).  This day he brought his shoes over to me to put on him.  It was so cute.

Ollie will actually pose and smile for pictures nowadays which is fun.
Here I go with the air quotes again.  Max "helping" Dad with a plumbing leak.  He is into EVERYTHING these days.
Well that is it.  Now I can focus on the now :)  We had our first visitors last weekend and it was a blast. I will steal the pictures from my friend and update soon.


Brooke said...

Ginny! We miss you guys! Park day just isn't the same without you...
I am so glad your move went well and that you had such a wonderful welcoming from your family. I'm sure you will love seeing them more often. Enjoy your beautiful new home. :)

Lori said...

Looks like a great halloween to break in your new home! I'm so excited for you guys and your home looks AMAZING. Congrats!

Littleton Young Womens said...

Love this update and all the pictures! I love your boys so much! I miss them. Max looks so little to me still crawling into the cupboard. I am so so looking forward to seeing you guys at Christmas! I hope your guest bedroom is all ready for me cause I want a girls day and sleepover (oh and a pillow fight in our underwear-haha). Glad you are doing so well in Auburn!!!