Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another Reason Not To Gamble...

You might want to rethink that weekend trip to Vegas because with 50/50 odds 64% of you were....WRONG!! We are having a healthy, active little boy!!! We are so excited. And the ultrasound was pretty much the coolest thing I have ever seen. Our little guy was very active, he was kicking his legs, trying to put his thumb in his mouth and giving us a very good view of parts. It was an amazing experience and made me so much more excited for him to come. I already think he is so cute!! Jason is excited for a budding young mind to unload his wealth of information about cars, computers, women, and other matters he deems important. I am excited for the rest of my kids to have a big brother to look up to. Anyway, that is our big news. Sorry the pictures didn't scan as well as one would have hoped. Oh and I added a 20 week belly shot, and Jason added a link on our website for "Baby", it has some video from the ultrasound if anyone is interested check it out here.
Look at that cute little profile!!

20 Weeks


Lori said...

So i checked your blog like 18 times today to see if you'd posted yet.
A little boy?! Congratulations! Now our babies can grow up and get married, right? I'm so glad that your ultrasound went well and that you were able to get definitive news. We're way excited for you. Everything just gets more exciting (and uncomfortable) from here on out.

The Evers said...

I have been checking all day for these to post, I knew it would not be long! I am so excited to meet him, I am a proud aunt already-even if it is not biologically! I love him! I am so glad it was a great day. Oh and for the record, no on should doubt my capabilities, I am ALWAYS right!

Ryan and Ashley said...

YAY! Congrats, Im sure he will be so cute and have the best parents!

Tammy said...

CONGRATS GIN and JASON!!! :) I was about to go to bed and then I remembered you were going to post what you are having! I am glad I did. I am soooo excited for you two. I am one of the one's that guessed you would have a boy. I just had a feeling! Any names picked out yet??

Lance and Becky said...

Congratulations you guys! I'm so excited for you, what cute little parents you will be to a little boy! They are so much fun, and have so much energy...just like you two! We love you, and congrats!

bren said...

That is awesome you guys! I'm excited for you... and if you do end up using the one name, please don't kill me if we consider it in the future... :/

~Ashley Dawn Photography~ said...

That is so awesome!! Congrats!

He has a very cute profile!!

Megan said...

yeahhh!!! congratulations gin and jason! we're so happy for you :) does it make this whole thing seem more real now? im so stoked for you...a little man of your very own.

Nate and Katie said...

That's so exciting! It's always so fun to finally know and be able to say "him" instead of "it" or "baby". I'm really excited for you guys- little boys are SO much fun!

Dan and Ashley said...

Gin, I was so excited to find out what you're having that I got on the computer all the way in the caribbean for $.65 a minute just to find out!!!! :) We love you guys and are beyond thrilled at your excited news!!!! Cal can hardly wait to meet his new buddy. Congrats guys!!!

Taryn said...

Oh my gosh!! That is so exciting!! How fun! Congratulations on your news! Little boys are the BEST!

t.t.turner said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!! You will be the cutest mom ever! We still need to do dinner sometime - when do you guys move?

Marie said...

YAY!! Congratulations! Little boys are so much fun!! Your tummy is so tiny and cute!

Scotty said...

We were right!!! And this will be so fun! Your little boy and our little boy will be the best of buds...just like Jason and Scott! How cute! Congratulations!

Brooke S. said...

yeah! A boy! congratulations Ginny

nathan said...

Congrats! I can totally see you with a busy little boy! you look so great- very tiny for 20 weeks!

Zane and Lexi said...

okay so boys are the best, we may be bias but seriously!! We are so excited for you guys to have a baby boy...too bad you are moving! Hopefully we can run into you again soon when we are down in P town. Good LUck - you look so great ginny!

Nicole said...

YaY!!!! I know I'm a little late in reading the news...but I am so THriLleD for you guys!!! Boys really are so so so great! He will just be the cutest and smartest little guy! And Ginny, you seriously look amazing. No more of this fatty talk! :) So cool! Congrats again!!!
And CA looked AWESEOME!! I wish we were moving back! Good luck with everything!

Ginny Lubin Butler said...

That's a boy, all right! Congratulations!!! I feel like a dork for not seeing this blog back when you posted it. :)