Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's Over

So my test is finally over. I won't know whether or not I passed for at least 6 weeks. It was HARD! I don't feel like I passed but apparently that is how everyone feels coming out of it. So if you don't see a big exciting post in 6-8 weeks, you can assume the worst. School is REALLY hard for me right now, I am so ready to be done.

On a brighter note, Jason and I just booked our tickets for our last pre-baby vacation. We will be heading to the Northeast (Boston, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont) in April. I am really excited. Neither of us have been and we look forward to exploring a new part of the country. If anyone has any "must sees" please let us know.

So this is just a mid week post, we have the iOscars this weekend, if you live in Provo, you should go!!! It is tomorrow night at 7pm in JSB Auditorium. On Saturday Jason is participating in the Splash n' Dash (1 mile swim, 6.2 mile run), to help him train for his upcoming triathlon. Pictures to come.


The Evers said...

I am glad it is over, and hopefully you can relax a little! I did not know Jas was training for a triathlon how cool! We miss you!

Lori said...

Sorry the tests and whatnot are hitting so hard. Best of luck that you passed.

Megan said... i am SOOO jealous of your vacation!!! Those are some of the places i want to visit more then anything. please take a lot of pictures! i want to visit those places in the fall. maine has always been one of my top places to visit. ill just live vicariously through you until i get a chance to go there. im so stoked for you two! im sure you did a wonderful job on your test :)

bren said...

At least your test is out of the way & you have some really exciting things coming up. That should be a really fun trip for you two! When are officially done?