Tuesday, May 06, 2008

28 Weeks

I can't believe I am at 28 weeks! 28 is close to 30 and 30 is really close to 40 and 40 weeks is when he comes (if not earlier)...oh man I'm not sure if I'm ready!! So I am in the third trimester and I swear I am easily influenced by my pregnancy books, because if I read it, I get the symptoms they talk about. My bathroom visits are up to about every 2 hours, unless I am in a really good deep sleep which is happening less and less often. And I feel like I am back to the first trimester when it comes to exhaustion. At about 10pm I'm beat! I also started my last 6 weeks of school, maybe that has something to do with it. I got to experience my feet swelling on our airplane ride home from Boston, that wasn't cool. My belly button hasn't popped yet, but it is getting very shallow! On the bright side I feel him more and more everyday and his movements are the highlight of my day, I am so sad Jason doesn't get to experience it like I do. I already love this little guy so much and though I am apprehensive about my abilities to be a good mother, I can't wait to meet him. I have my appointment tomorrow, if anything of significance happens I will add it to this post.

P.S. I passed my National Board Exam!!!! I am so happy, excited, relieved. My score was above the national average so that also makes me happy. In fact, my entire class passed and the class average was above the national average...YEAH for us!!!!! So those who live around here will probably see me with a huge grin for the next week or so.


Nate and Katie said...

Congratulations on passing your exam! That's so exciting! You look great, by the way :)

Shelton and Bethany said...

Thanks, you'll get your own little cutie soon enough. Congrats on making it this far through your pregnancy- you're on the downward slope! Those last weeks seem to be the hardest, but they are also the best because your baby is kicking up a storm and you get to know each other just a little bit. Sleeping at night was the hardest thing for me to do... try taking naps during the day, it saved my life.

ixoj said...

Congratulations on your exams! And if it makes you feel better, I spend lots of time running to the bathroom and I'm not even pregnant. Too much water, I suppose. :) Good luck sleeping. And before you guys move, there's a great little Nepali restaurant by where Trav works that we should go to.

Jason, Kim, & Kallie said...

Happy, happy, happy! Everything just sounds happy. I know those last few weeks aren't pure bliss, but it's so fun to think that he is on his way! Do you guys have any names you love? My advice for you right now is to do ALL the things you love, like taking lots of naps whever you want, going shopping by yourself, going to movies you want to see, getting pedicures, laying in the sun; because not that you don't get to do those things, but it's just harder to find the time when the little ones come. And if your like me, I don't like to be away from Kallie for long (it stresses me out) so I don't get much alone time :). Your incredible Mama!

Dan and Ashley said...

Wow Gin! You are getting soooo close! Isn't pregnancy so amazing!? You look great! Seriously! I love hearing all the pregnancy details. It is so fun. I can hardly wait for you little guy to come too and to see you and Jason become parents. You will be so great! Any ideas on names yet? Your trip pictures were so fun! Looks like you had a great time...what a fun last trip before baby comes. Oh and congrats on passing your test!!! SOOO awesome!

The Evers said...

I am so happy for you, really never doubted that you passed, but way to go! I cant believe how fast your pregnancy is going (at least for me)! You are getting up there. I was thinking today about how hard it will be for me to not be close when he comes. I think I am going to be pretty sad about it. Hopefully I will be able to get out soon! At the latest it will be August when we hopefully can all go to Monterey!

Osborne Family said...

yea we all passed! You look so cute with your big belly, you look great... for real you do. Good luck with the last six weeks, it will go fast I'm sure.

t.t.turner said...

Good job, Ginny! You are so darling! Get lots of sleep and relaxation - watch lots of movies while you still can! :)

nathan said...

Congrats Gin! and your on the last stretch with everything- school, baby :) you look so cute too! tiny!

The Richards in Canada said...

Hey congrats!
BTW I'm coming down the end of May, I guess Kelly will be there too! We need to figure out somethings and get together! What is your schedule like??

Lori said...

Hooray, congratulations on your exam.

I LOVE that you're at 28 weeks already, that's freakin' awesome. You're looking great by the way, thanks for posting the new pic.

You and jason need to come over and meet my new little girl. It's been too long since we've hung out anyway. All addie does is sleep and make cute faces, so it gets a bit lonely around here without company. Give me a call and we'll figure out when will work for us to get together.